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Are you ready to have it all - NOW? 

To be your WHOLE self and loved completely?

Are you ready to feel worthy, be confident and feel free?

Welcome to the Whole Woman…

This is your time to be Unleashed.

You felt the calling.  It’s been inside you all along. Waiting to be set free.

The greatness that has laid dormant for years is ready to be seen. 

I know you.  I am you.  I’ve been you.  I’m with you.

This is your time to shine! 

To birth your dreams into the world, so that they become your reality - NOW, not later.

This is your year, to be bold, to be you.

I know it can feel scary, to step into the unknown, to claim lost pieces of ourselves.  

You are here right now reading this because you felt the calling.  

You are being led to what you need and I am here to hold your hand and guide you, teach you and support you.

This is your time to be a YES to you. This is your time to be a YES to your desires.  This is your time to go for your dreams! This is your time to have your dreams become your reality!

This is your time to become...

Worthy, Wealthy and Ready to Have it All Now!

You’ve been feeling stuck or stagnant.

You’re sick of not trusting yourself.

You want to believe in yourself.

You want to feel confident in your body.

You’ve been taking care of everyone else and have been last on the list.

You know what you want to do but aren’t doing it

You’re afraid of your dreams because they feel too big or you fear failing.

You’ve lost yourself along the way from motherhood, adulting and partnering and now are ready to find yourself again.

Life has felt like it’s happening to you and not for you.

It feels too painful to stay where you are, because you know you’ll regret not trying, not going for it, not owning your power. 

You’re ready to play big in life

You’re done watching others pass you by

You want it all and want it now

You know there is an easier way and you want to know what it is

You want to operate from your feminine.

You want to harness the power within you and have the tools to use it 

You want to learn how to manifest quickly

You’re ready to reset your mindset for success, fun and flow!

The Whole Woman is an 8-Week Self Study Course and Immersive Experience to connect you to your highest self, so that you step powerfully and boldly into the epic, worthy, confident, wealthy badass woman you are!


DONE sacrificing

DONE struggling

DONE working hard

DONE making herself wrong

DONE Playing small

DONE letting life pass her by

DONE making excuses

DONE living a life of “less than”

Goes for her dreams, boldly, freely and unapologetically.

She owns her worth and her words.

She lives joyously and passionately.

She allows all parts of herself and doesn't make them wrong.

She loves herself wholeheartedly and deeply and as a result, this is what she experiences from others.

Don't just take my word for it.
Hear what these AMAZING women like you had to say after completing the program!

“The Whole Woman program has been life-changing for me! I was in a place where I had lost my voice, my passion for life and was in a rut. I was focused on losing weight, my insecurities, and not being worthy or good enough. Melissa gently guides you to connect with your body and opens you up to a whole new mind-set. She provides practical tools to help you through exactly what you need to move you forward.- Drea W. 

"I am so excited about life now and just to be clear, my life has not changed I HAVE CHANGED. I know how to listen to my body, and to ensure that I am living as "worthy woman". I have learned how to love myself again!” - Kelly N.

“I've experienced so many powerful shifts since working with Melissa, it's mind blowing. When, I first started the work of the program I was a little overwhelmed thinking there's so much going on within me, it will take decades to uncover it. But, as I trusted Melissa and moved through the work, mental and physical weight lifted off me. I now quickly move on from missteps and trust I'm being guided to something greater. I'm friendlier to myself and that has spilled over to all of my other relationships. I'm more present and aware, rather than a hot mess. I'm far more resilient and at ease in my body and life.” - Jenn S.

In these 8 Weeks, you will come home to your truth, your power and the power of your light! You will find Wholeness!

I'll teach you how to harness your voice, own your worth and step powerfully in the direction of your dreams and the desires in your heart.

This program is comprehensive and filled with practical, tactical and spiritual practices so that you access these parts of yourself and create a new identity.

I'M READY! I want to join The Whole Woman!

8 week Course Curriculum includes but is not limited to:

  • How to ground in Your Worth
  • Be the Worthy Woman: Clarity, Vision & Your New Reality
  • Law of Assumption & Law of Attraction: Easy application to everyday life
  • Being the Whole WOMAN: Creating the full vision
  • Align to the Divine & to your Desires
  • Automatic Writing/Hearing the Guidance
  • Forgiveness = Freedom/Masculine & Feminine Energy: Part 1
  • Masculine & Feminine Energy: Part 2
  • BONUS WEEK: Create Your Own Rules: It’s Your Life - Own It!
  • BONUS Hypnosis tracks, meditations, recommended reading, podcast episodes, and more!

If your mindset is not right and you do not believe you can have what you want, or you don’t believe you’re worthy of what you want, then it doesn't matter how hard you try.  The road will be hard.

Because it’s built on a faulty foundation.

Together we rebuild the foundation on one of love, trust, and faith in oneself and something greater

If you have a desire to:

🌟 Lose those last 10 pounds (that go away and keep coming back)
🌟Pursue your dream career
🌟Be financially free
🌟 Love yourself and your body
🌟Be confident in who you are
🌟 Heal an illness
🌟Transcend trauma and turn it into a gift
🌟Repair your relationship and make it better than ever
🌟 Find your love

All of this comes when we are Whole. When you own your worth, and your voice, unapologetically.

It’s not about doing more. It’s about BEING more of you (not someone else).

What you get inside The Whole Woman program includes:

  • 8X 1-Hour Video Modules
  • 10X Pre-Recorded Q&A Calls where you will not only receive additional guidance but get your questions answered!
  • Receive Weekly Custom Curated Whole Woman Handouts to Guide You Powerfully to Your Transformation!
  • Lifetime Access to this program
  • Receive any additions added to the program
  • Online Membership site you can access at anytime
  • BONUS: 2x 1-Hour Bonus Calls Have Just Been Added!

*In addition: Any new content and bonuses added to the program you will receive as well at no additional cost to you.

Total Value $1735!

Yours today for ONLY $398 when you ACT NOW.

When you join today you receive these Bonus Gifts from me:

🌟 First 3 to join get a 30-minute Intuitive Wholeness Coaching Session with Me (Value at $750)
🌟 Bonus Training for Manifesting Weight Loss Quickly (Value $197)

Join me now in The Whole Woman: Worthy, Wealthy
and Ready to have it all!

This exclusive offer will expire soon!

Join now for $1735 $398


Why I created this program and why I am so passionate about Wholeness?

If my words struck a cord with you it's because I've been you. 

I found myself in California after having had two surgeries to remove thyroid cancer and I realized that all of the pain and suffering I experienced came from the the  mind.

It came from the limitations and the self-criticism that I heard from myself daily. I had done a ton of self development work but I hadn't fully applied it nor believed it. As much as I wanted to say that I loved me in truth, I had not yet become Whole.

It wasn't until after I had thyroid cancer and found myself looking back at the choices I made in my life and who I was, that I realized the magnitude of my words, my thoughts, and subconscious beliefs and identities that I bought into and believed who I was or who I was meant to be.

Those identities were keeping me from fully being happy and pursuing my dreams, but most of all they kept me from believing I was worthy just for being me fully me.

I did a lot of soul searching and healing, and I applied the things that I teach in this 8-week course, and watched my life dramatically change quickly.  

For the first time in my entire life I felt at complete peace and truly knew what it meant to love me and feel completely free.

As I stepped into this new reality I knew Wholeness is what women and all people really are striving for.

Being the Whole Woman - means you are like WonderWoman, untouchable.  Wholeness is the most powerful thing that we can experience and be in this lifetime and I want it for every woman, because when you are whole you don't seek control, you are completely dropped into feminine flow and there are no limitations only opportunities and miracles that you now see.

Don't just take my word for it.
Hear what these AMAZING women like you had to say after joining the Whole Woman!

“I decided to join the Whole Woman program because I was feeling ready for the next level in my life and I knew I needed support (and a gentle nudge) to get there. I'm glad I made the decision to join! One big win is that I've been able to cut out the constant sugar snacking that I had fallen into over the past few months and wasn't able to stop. I've re-prioritized my health in a way that I just couldn't get myself to before this program. The way Melissa helps you connect with your whole self through this program is incredibly powerful. I absolutely recommend The Whole Woman, it's amazing what you can achieve in only 8 weeks!” - Leah B. 

"The experience with you and your programs was just what I needed at this time in my life. I needed to wake up and you helped me see that! I have never taken the time to get to know me and be so real with myself, totally open, honest and real.” - Sam H.

“I definitely care less about what others think and those voices that were judging me are no longer there. I am making decisions based on what I want for my own life and not what others expect of me. I am definitely engaging in less negative self-talk and my life seems to flow a bit better.” - Sarah M.

“As usual, your messages are always spot on! During the last group call, the person you had reading the group said that I would be doing something totally different this year. It took a lot of meditation and sitting with myself (thank you for the tools)... I was paging back on my journal and almost fell out of my chair. It all came true. I will be doing something different. And I have lost 17 pounds. God is good! All the time!
Again-- I want to thank you for coming into my life. Although we did not spend a lot of time together, I so needed you and your energy. I still hear you in my head! And know that we are still connected. ” - Audrey J.

This program is NOT for you if...

  • You are not ready to change and want to stay exactly the same.
  • If you want to continue to work hard and struggle.
  • If you are only out for yourself.
  • If you don’t want to be a part of a community of like-minded badass women.
  • If you want to play small.
  • If you like hiding.
  • If you are stuck in victim mentality.
  • If you prefer negative thinking.
  • If you are not open to guidance.

Join me now in The Whole Woman: Worthy, Wealthy
and Ready to have it all!

This exclusive offer will expire soon!

Join now for $1735 $398


Melissa is a Wholeness Coach, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Mindset Specialist, and Weight Loss Expert.  She is an International Best-Selling Author, Host, and Speaker. Melissa is a trained Trauma Expert for Wholeness, with a concentration in Disordered Eating and the psychology of self-sabotage.  As a Hypnotherapist and Globally Recognized, Body Intuitive with a background in Fitness and Mind-Body Connection, she is dedicated to helping women become unstoppable through reprogramming their subconscious minds and clearing self-sabotage cycles through her proven MK Method.  

The MK Method to Wholeness is a 4-Part holistic method in working on the physical (body), emotional, mindset, and psycho-spiritual levels, so her clients unlock their potential to thrive, fully owning their power, using their voice, and standing in their worth. Her soul mission is to bring women back to the truth of who they are - to be Whole. 

Melissa has been a featured TEDx speaker and has been featured on New York Live, The CW, US Weekly, NBC, ABC, Parade, Parents, Reader’s Digest, and many more.  She is also a writer for publications such as Real Simple, Mind Body Green, and Shape Magazine.  More info can be found at www.melissakathryn.com