Celebrity Slim-Down: How They Do It

Melissa Kathryn with tips on shredding those extra pounds.

Giving Your Morning a Makeover

Melissa Kathryn helps you give your mornings a makeover by habits you should change to make them better.

Holiday Detox Plan

Holistic Nutritionist Melissa Kathryn with holiday cleansing detox plans and recipes.

Healthy Autumn Eats and Seasonal Drinks

Melissa Kathryn on tips and drinks to boost your metabolize and stay healthy with fall recipes.

Eat Smart with Carbs

Holistic Nutritionist Melissa Kathryn with advice on what types of carbs you should be eating.

Create a Fruit and Veggie Hydration Station

Melissa Kathryn with tips on beautifying yourself from the inside out this summer with making your very own Hydration Station.

Is Your “But” Bigger Than Your “Butt” ?

Summer’s not far off and neither is that bathing suit. Fitness Expert Melissa Kathryn helps you to stop making excuses and start shaping up for the summer.

Dream it, achieve it – TEDx Talk

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Melissa Kathryn challenges us to imagine a world where we can all overcome limitings beliefs in order to achieve our dreams.