In today’s episode, Melissa discusses how to ditch the mindset that is preventing you from being truly free from food. She calls this the “three mindset secrets to ditch your weight-loss struggle.”
Melissa begins by offering some support to those who have struggled with placing food over themselves, and begins to offer some realistic ways to take captive those thoughts in order to best serve yourself. While explaining her background, Melissa expands on the “holistic” attitude, which ultimately extends beyond physical health and into mental and spiritual health.
Having healed herself from cancer and other illnesses, she does not place primary emphasis on Western medicine, and neither should you. Beyond this, Melissa is a hypnotherapist and an expert on emotional and mindset mastery.
Diving into the first masterclass (to go live every Tuesday night), Melissa unpacks how to change your mindset.
Step 1: Uncover the truth of who you are without the weight. She encourages the listener to first write down who you are; that is, describe your current identity. This is the first step in mindset mastery—many of us root our identities in our bodies.
A: Answer the question, “Do I believe I can lose this weight without dieting?” Most people are not honest with themselves about how they’re hurting their own goals. This includes cheating on diet days and snacking late at night.
B: Burn what you wrote about your identity before.
C: Create a new identity. What is the identity you want to embody? Write a paragraph. Begin with declarative “I am” and “I have” statements to manifest your will.
D: Write down how it feels to consider this new identity. You want to tap into truth. Read your new identity every night and very morning.
E: Write down who you would be without your past. Consider how often you lean on your past mistakes instead of leaning into the present. What would your relationship with food be?
Step 2: Make a declaration of who you choose to be.
A: Make a list of all the past beliefs based on your past.
B: Burn those core beliefs along with the identity you’re burning.
C: Make a list of the beliefs that line up with the identity you actually want. In other words, what would that woman believe to be true?
Step 3: What areas of your life are out of alignment?
Melissa walks through this process and teaches her viewers that this newly-constructed identity must be repeated to yourself in order to train your brain to release the other, harmful identities.
On the note of healing, Melissa touches on the idea that many of us feel healing if not for all the pain that they’ve been able to avoid. Fear of your own anger and your own sadness has only hurt your ability to heal, and you owe yourself the healing, the mental freedom, and the mastered mindset. She presses the viewers to act as though their new identities have already become their own realities. She gives many examples of the differences between truths and beliefs.
Later, Melissa shares some stories related to her own struggle with emotional eating and how having the right community is vital to your success. As you rewrite your story, you have to realize that you cannot get there by staying where you are.
You literally need to shift into the paradigm of a new mindset. There is a piece within that is connected to the universe: you need to tap into that piece to transform your mindset.
Melissa saved her own life from cancer by tying herself to a belief system that’s greater. Channeling that energy will solidify the identity you want to take over. Lean into the moments when you’re deflecting, when you’re apologizing—the moments when you lack love for yourself. It’s in these moments that we can turn our minds upside down and become the powerful women we truly are.
Those interested in joining the Weight Loss for Life program can apply directly. Melissa works directly with those accepted into the competitive program. She will personally call the first five women accepted.
What You’ll Learn:
- Who are you without the weight?
- Three mindset secrets to ditch your hindering mindsets.
- Burning eradicates the power that ideas have over you, from an energetic standpoint.
- How to release your emotional connection with food.
- Words that are positive bring you to your truth.
- To master your mindset, you “live into who you want to be, not who you are.”
- You need to break from who you think you are.
- In order to close the old identities, you need to live out the new one.
- The difference between the truth and beliefs.
- “Word I am word” solidifies these truths at the cellular level.
- Actionable steps to take until the next seminar.
- How to walk away with your new identity and belief systems.
- You’re not alone, even if it feels like it.
- It’s difficult because you’re invested in the struggle.
- The critical piece of you is going to hold you back, but you have to tether yourself to a
- belief system that’s greater.
- You can find your “witching hour,” typically when you’re alone, and target your
- problematic eating behaviors.
- Constantly apologizing reflects a poor self-image.
Key Quotes:
“The best training is my own experience.”
“There’s nothing worse than telling yourself you believe something when you really don’t.”
“In what ways are you getting in your own way?”
“My mind has been on a diet, but my body hasn’t been facilitating it.”
“The new identity is the true identity at your core.”
“The path to feeling good never feels bad.”
“Your mind is set up to keep you safe: it is not going to set you free.”
“You are stronger than your mind.”
“You will call on all universal forces to help you in that: you are not meant to be alone.”
“Healing is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.”
“If you’re not acting from that place, then your soul is never going to feel expressed, and it’s never going to feel heard.”
“If you were going to act as her, how would you act?”
“All women are meant to be free.”
“We can’t break free from patterns unless we know what we’re breaking free from.”
“Fail to plan and plan to fail.”
“I was eating to fill a void.”
“We will ebb and flow with little return.”
“We stop self-sabotage by being ourselves unapologetically.”
Weight Loss For Life Online Program – Available NOW for only $997! Go here to learn more!
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