Merry Christmas! I know not everyone celebrates but I have a special holiday wish I have for you!

My Holiday Wish For you This Season…

Let the magic encompass you, let go of the chaos. Relish in the beauty of each moment, be open and receive. Savor your food, eat slowly and purposefully. Honor your body, stay connected. Delight at the possibilities in front of you, they are all around. Cherish your family and friends, they are your greatest gifts. Embrace the love that surrounds you, love is all you need. Laugh until your heart’s content and your belly hurts, do this often. Be Present to every person, every moment and every desire, pure magic. Give the gift of love & time, those are the greatest gifts and all we really want from one another!

Wishing you a very beautiful and blessed Holiday and most Magical New Year!

Much love,