Whether this time in quarantine has you questioning your career, desiring to pursue your dream, start a new passion or want a new position in your current company, tune in as Melissa share’s how to create your dream career, pursue your passions and make a lot of money while making a difference!
Melissa has had several careers, now at a recent age of 42, she was a self-taught designer for over a decade in NYC, fitness competitor, author, TEDx speaker, International best-selling author, hypnotherapist, master coach,run int. Retreats, group programs, digital course creator, intuitive, starred in a movie, has her own podcast and feels like she’s just getting started!
In this episode, Melissa Kathryn talks about how to have the mindset to pursue your dreams. Today, she encourages listeners how to achieve their dreams speaking from her own personal, huge mistakes, big wins, what she wishes she’d known and more on the journey to where she is today.
Melissa also shares the three foundational building blocks that must be aligned in order to be successful in your own business or as an intra-preneur – one who builds a business within another business.
The first of these 3 pillars that is most important, is your mindset around your self worth. Secondly, you need to understand that your dream is meant for you and is fail-proof as long as you follow your desires and where your higher self is leading you. Thirdly, you must invest in yourself, and view that as the most important investment in your business. Not just a business coach, but a mindset coach to support your vision. Any coaches you hire or programs you invest in, it’s imperative they are aligned with your vision for your life, your future and what you’re building.
Melissa encourages you that without establishing these three key points especially in your mindset, you will likely have minimal success with a lot of hard work, striving and struggling. You can be successful but the journey there will be much different than the one taken by allowing your feminine to drive and your intuition to be your guide.
This was a lesson that it took Melissa getting cancer, to see how operating in her masculine 100% of the time, having her coaches vision be stronger than her own and not aligned, was a recipe for working herself into the ground. And her goal in today’s episode is to awaken any woman going down that path, to the road filled with a lot more fun, ease, flow and financial abundance with a lot less stress and “hard” work.
In continued support of Covid19, Melissa invites you to ward off the Quarantine 15 and join her Wholeness group for daily support and guidance!
Key Points
“The #1 thing that will get in your way of being an entrepreneur is your mind.”
“If you don’t have a clear vision and know what you can achieve, you will get in your own way.”
“Your mindset combined with your worthiness of yourself is #1 most important.”
“Next, pay attention to the coaches that you hire and the company that you keep.”
“We need to be surrounded by people that think big and are going to see beyond what is right in front of us.”
“Get a coach that has a lifestyle that supports your desires.”
“2. Understand that if you have a desire and dream, it is meant for you.”
“3. Any investment you make in your business, you must make in your mindset or you will have minimal success with a lot of hard work.”
“You should be paid for the good that you do in the world. You should be paid for the impact that you make.”
“Stop the comparison feed.”
“Are we surrounding ourselves with people that have limitless thinking and not limited thinking?”
“You must hire someone to support you.”
“When you’re a nurturer, there’s a degree you give of yourself and you’re at the bottom of that list.”
“As women, we are all things to all people…and it’s too much. You need support.”
“A manicure or a massage is not optimal self care.”
“The mind will keep you in perpetual patterns of self sabotage.”
“Your part is being aligned with your vision.”
“Get in that still quiet space in our minds of allowing our feelings to take over us…being led to the next right step.”
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