Hi you,
The holidays are coming quick and first up is Halloween!
Being Done With Dieting, is not about giving up fun or food. It’s about taking the “crazy” out of how you feel around these foods.
Being able to have them without guilt, shame or overdoing it, without them derailing your weight loss goals or causing you to go into an all out binge…
You’re not going to stick a bottle of vodka in front of an alcoholic and hope for the best…right?
I realize that may sound extreme and you may be thinking…Melissa, I just can’t have candy around, but I’m not addicted.
I get that…
And…sugar is addictive.
And…the more we restrict the more we rebel.
If the assortment of halloween candy has been on your “dad” food list for years, then having it around is going to trigger the little girl in you, whose dying for a piece or 20…
You feel me…haha (I love saying that and insist you’re sitting right next to me)
So I created an awesome gift for you and am going to teach you exactly how to have a Healthy Halloween, to survive the fat trap and sugar craving binge that’s on your mind followed by the taunting thought…”I mean is one night gonna kill me?”…
Not technically, but it will do enough damage to cost you a whole day of your life feeling crappy and beating yourself up. You’ve done that enough. We want to get out of that space.
My intention is to keep you from this by teaching you my key points to having a Healthy Halloween without restricting, hiding or depriving!
Watch the video below: