Is this what 41 is supposed to look like?
No one ever thinks I’m my age. And it got me thinking, what is 41 “supposed” to look like? Am I supposed to have aged dramatically and let myself go?
Am I supposed to be overweight with a muffin top because I am not in my 20’s?
Just like having had thyroid cancer – the assumption from doctors is an expected 20-30 pound weight gain…well, I’m squashing that one – I’ve LOST weight.
I love that women like J.Lo, Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Anniston are redefining age and what women can look like and create in this world.
I don’t know about you, but I’m just getting started! And I’m so freaking excited for 2020 and what’s to come!
I’m sick of this limiting belief that once you hit 40 or older, your body is shot and so is your metabolism.
I call BULLSH*T and the woman in my programs are proof of that! Wearing bikinis in mexico with her man in her mid-late 40’s, another starting her own biz in her 60’s, another doing her first fitness competition at age 50! HELL YESSSSS!!!
I call BS on dreams being intended for the young – that you have responsibilities as an adult and can’t just go pursue a dream like a “kid” would.
Whether it comes from family, schools you attended, your culture and/or society…
There are connotations and beliefs we buy into around what we can and can’t have and who we can and can’t be as women.
I’m here, giving you full permission to look the way you want to look, dress in a way that makes you feel AHMAZING! Pursue your dreams, no matter how old you are!
I support women in pursuing and achieving their dreams, whether it’s the body, the biz, finding love and more or all of the above! AND I see them achieve their dreams, year after year!
I myself at age 41, am pursuing my dreams, as I create new ones! I’m not stopping and I’m not going anywhere. And I intend that at 51, I look better than I do now.
If anything, I’m going bigger, more bold and fearless as I age in all that I do.
What are you committed to creating in 2020? What stigmas are ready to let go of?
I am, as Malcolm Gladwell and my dear friend Kellyanne Pretrucci (Bone Broth Diet Creator) would put it…an Outlier.
I have never been meant to live a traditional life. Nor have I ever lived my life the way I was “supposed” to.
And for a LONG time – I made myself wrong for not having what others had and what was expected of me as as a woman in our society (I mean you’re either a spinster, deemed a workaholic or assumed to be a bitch if you’re still single and 40), – the husband, the babies, a house in the suburbs and a corporate job.
AND, I want to be very clear here – there is nothing wrong with that life at all – in fact, I there were many times I wished I did desire that for myself – but that was not what my soul longed for.
And…that’s what makes me, me.
I learned to LOVE that, embrace it and allow all of me to be seen, heard, felt and experienced.
To create a new “normal” that is unique to me and the life I want to lead – knowing I can have it all.
What about you?
What makes you, you? And where have you denied your soul the gift and permission to be a YES to your inner desires?
Go here now to share in our exclusive and private Wholeness FB community! I’d love to hear from you!
Getting clear on these questions are so eye opening!
If you want 2020 to be a year of BIG change, to step out, get the weight off, be done DIETING, and pursue the life and body you know you want and DESERVE – then go here now to join the waitlist for my Weight Loss For Life program to be the first to hear when doors open!
It’s time for us to break the mold on what women can do, how we can look and what we can create at any age!
Life is meant to be lived, not on a diet!
Love you girl!
P.S Weight Loss for Life LIVE, is by application only. Go here to get on the waitlist to receive special offers and be the first to apply!