What would life look like for you if you only had one year left?
How would you start living?
Would you say exactly what’s on your mind, as my 72 year old father has beautifully started doing…LOL #nofilter (I know I’m not alone in this;)
Would you stop obsessing about your weight?
What would you try? Maybe that belly dancing class you’ve been eyeing but keep talking yourself out of?
What would you wear?
Where would you spend your time?
And with whom?
So much of life is lived from the future…Filled with fear, worry, doubt and anxiety, where we place immense pressure on ourselves and on our circumstances to “have it all figured out”….
“What am I going to be when I grow up?
“Who am I going to get marry?”
“What do I do when I retire?”
“Will I have kids? If so, when? What age? How many?”
We plan, analyze, obsess and try to control so much of our lives due to our programming and our society, our the culture we live in.
So how do we shut out the noise, to boldly live into the truth of who we are?
We get quiet, sit in stillness, close your eyes, breathe deep, tap on your heart and…
Ask yourself, “What is it I really want?” Then, ask yourself, “What is it my HEART wants?
Your heart knows what will make you happy. Your mind, will keep you spinning, questioning, analyzing.
If you had 1 year left to live, you would not be dieting, or depriving yourself, or restricting yourself in anyway.
You would be living, boldly.
All of the “I’m not enough” would be gone, because you wouldn’t care.
You’d realize, life is your story, your own creation. You can either create a kick-ass novel, or a long boring, “Groundhog Day” tale, of doing the same thing over and over and having the exact same experience – but dreaming of something different.
I tell my clients, “you cannot change from where you currently are, you have to do things differently, think differently, in order to have a different result and experience in life.
If you’re holding back, if you’re waiting for a sign…THIS IS IT!
Today, take 1 bold action step toward the YOU you know you’re meant to be, the YOU that is inside of you that has more to say, more to do, more to share with the world!
Shine my love, it’s time!
Your weight does not define you, you do.
Much Love,
P.S. I’d love if you’d share you’re bold action step with me over in our DWD Group!