Hello Beautiful,
You won’t believe what I did in the middle of LA on Father’s Day!
People thought I worked for a cult or a church group, it was hysterical and freaking AMAZING!
So amazing that I can’t wait to share it with you and I want you to have the exact same experience!
I’ve heard of people doing this and always found it fascinating, but I never actually did it myself. In fact, in all honesty, I saw people and totally judged them for it. Well, now the table was turned and people looked at us and judged. Some people thought we were absolutely crazy for standing with a sign and giving out free hugs all over Los Angeles!
Here we are 🙂
A lot of people openly embraced us and kept coming back. Some lingered around. Even the skeptics came back and said we need more love in this world.
We gave over 150 hugs and it felt so good!
I wanted to share this amazing experience with you because I realized how often we talk about connecting within and listening to our bodies, but what about how we connect daily with others in our lives?
How do you show up? Are you connecting with the people around you or is your head down? Are you smiling or do you quickly turn away? Pay attention because the people around you are in your world. Think of the impact you have with one smile or a hug, and how good it feels when someone does something kind for you.
So often we turn to food from a lack of love, connection, acceptance, approval, and the list goes on and on . . .
Do you know the average person needs 12 hugs a day to feel loved. It’s true, google it;)
How do you show up to the world? How you show up to the world is a reflection of how you are showing up for yourself.
Do you ever notice how some days you’re joyful, and other days, not so much? If joy is your choice, why would you ever choose anything else? Looking around in this world, you can easily see everyone is not picking joy.
“How you do anything is how you do everything.”
When we take the attention off of ourselves, we allow ourselves to connect with others and be present to life.
Life is being lived everyday and we miss it due to our “to-do” lists, life goals, and our hurried lives.
This week’s RADIANCE CHALLENGE is a huge gift and opportunity to make a difference each day to those around you. You’ll be surprised by what you learn about yourself.
1. Make eye contact and smile at each person that crosses your path
2. Learn about people around you by speaking with them
3. Try to give 12 hugs per day and notice how amazing you feel
I can’t wait to hear from you. Please share your Radiance Challenge results below.