I hope you had a great weekend! I get sad when summer ends, but it seems to always come right when I’m ready for crisp fall weather and to buckle down a bit from all the summer fun. My body is excited for routine.
What about you?
It also doesn’t matter how old I get, September marks the start of a new year, and for you, this may be a time of change, new schedules, kids out of the house or you’re back in school yourself or your work hours are different.
Now, more than ever, it’s important to get grounded in your goals, to create a schedule and routine that serves and excites you, and most of all recommit to you!
I tell my clients in my Weight Loss for Life group, that this needs to happen daily, because it’s too easy to get wrapped up in life and your to-do list and not making the changes you want to see or feel in your body or life.
The question I often get is “How do I create a routine and stick to it? I get started and fall off, especially when I’m busy?”
So, I’ve create a simple formula for you to follow, BUT before beginning this exercise, get clear on what your goal and future vision is for yourself. Tip: Do not overwhelm yourself, pick 3 goals, no more) What is it you are wanting to create this year? Where do you want to be next September in regards to your weight, health, wellness and overall happiness?
Take time to get clear on this and write it down so you can read it each day. This is what I do with my clients, we get clear and create a map for them on how to get there and tackle it!
Here are 5 simple steps to have a kick-ass year and stay committed to your goals:
1. Create small rituals – A morning routine is crucial (even if only done for 2-5 minutes), great examples of things you can do to create mind/body connection, quiet the crazy mind, ease stress and keep you aligned with taking care of you are listed here: prayer, reading, set a daily intention, meditation, journaling, dancing, stretching, yoga, affirmations, mirror work, read your future vision, visualization or breath work. Pick your poison! Then create a practice that feels good for you (there is no wrong or right way, only your way, that is the way that will work for you, for life) and commit to doing only 1 or 2 of the above items, EVERY morning. Keep it simple and focus on being consistent.
2. Create your workout schedule before the start of each week and schedule it. Remember, you will stick to workouts you enjoy.
3. Sunday food prep – Pick foods you enjoy! This is not a diet…IT’S YOUR LIFE. Dieting didn’t work, or you wouldn’t be here, so if you’re still restricting and not listening to your body, please comment below and tell me what’s going on! And schedule a call directly with me here.
4. Evening Ritual – If this is your time of struggle with food and overeating eating or grazing, make a list of things you want to complete or do after work or dinner that would make you happy and proud that you took action on them. Then, place them in order of joy for you, and pick the one that lights you up the most to begin focusing on.
Nighttime rituals are great as well – Ex: Candles, warm baths, light reading, get your beauty sleep 😉 What would make you feel like the goddess that you are in the evening? Do that!
5. Create boundaries and set expectations – This is the time to set both of these and to express your needs, so they can get met. You do not need to be and are not expected to be Wonderwoman. Asking for support allows others to show up for you, acting like you have it all together all the time, is a disservice to others, because you don’t give them a chance to take care of you, and more times than not, we end up taking out our exhausted frustrations on those we love most.
I hope this is helpful for you, let me know by commenting below or email me directly here and tell me how I can help you!
Make sure to stay tuned this week, you don’t want to miss Fitness Friday! I have some awesome things coming your way!
Radiantly Yours,
P.S. Healthy Happy Hour is back this month! Make sure not miss any FREE live trainings and coaching with me, by registering here