I wrote you a poem.
To say I’m scared to show you this is an understatement.

Am I one or two in the same
Who shall I choose

A side of perfection
Timid trepidation
My voice stolen
My desires suppressed

Perfection is she
Yet who shall I be
To release the perfectionist in me

The bohemian Goddess
Wild Hair
A full heart
My voice is found

The artist
the creator
the dancer
the lover

She is home
Perfectionist free
Now I rise up to connect with the real me

I am a bohemian goddess
Trapped in the prison of perfection
A sensual being

An artist
A creator
Confined by the walls of her mind.

Unleash my spirit
Embrace the beautify that is me

Meet my heart
Let me lie in a field filled with stars
To see the innate possibilities for me

Now I rise up to meet her
To rebirth the wild feminine Goddess that is me

A burning in my body
A nagging that led me here
Now I am free

This is how I felt when I let go of dieting and the idea of being perfect.

It’s the untamed me.

It’s the me that I’m learning to trust.

It’s the me that has been here all along.

I would love to hear from you! Did any of this speak to you? Who is the untamed women within you? I’d love to meet her. Please comment below.